
Dr. Joanna Jacobs customizes her evaluations for each client to insure the most  comprehensive evaluation is conducted. Dr. Jacobs typically assesses the following areas:

  • Cognitive Functioning (i.e., intelligence and problem solving with verbal and nonverbal information) 

  • Academics: Reading, Math, Writing

  • Language: Receptive, Expressive, Social/Pragmatic

  • Motor Coordination and Sensory Processing

  • Learning and Memory

  • Attention and Executive Functioning Skills

  • Visual and Auditory Processing

  • Speed and Efficiency of Processing

  • Emotion and Behavior

  • Personality

  • Adaptive Functioning 

Assessments involve a series of appointments, beginning with a parent intake meeting. Evaluations for elementary aged children include an observation of the child at school. Dr. Jacobs will collaborate with teachers, parents, and other individuals who may have insight into the child's behavior and functioning. Testing is usually conducted over the course of either two full days or four mornings.

Approximately two weeks after the last day of testing, parents return for a feedback meeting to review results, discuss a plan of action including recommendations for school, home, accommodations, and potential recommendations for outside intervention. A comprehensive written report is also provided to the family. Lastly, a second feedback meeting that includes the child may be scheduled. This meeting will allow Dr. Jacobs to engage the child in a developmentally appropriate, strengths-based conversation about his or her learning profile.